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Mitten in

The project competition entry for densification inserts “MITTEN IN” into the “Amerika” quarter in Niederurnen.

The chosen orientation of the buildings, their structure and staggering, creates a connection between the small-scale single-family home district in the west and the large-scale row buildings in the north.

The positioning of the buildings along the mantle line creates a center inside that is open to the south, which is called "MITTEN IN". The eastern building also shields the emissions from the SBB line. The northern building follows the course of Espenstrasse, while the building that is oriented towards the courtyards of the single-family homes opens up the view to the west.

In all 36 units of the cubes, people "live" from facade to facade. The orientation of the residential units allows the view to change from south to north or from east to west, depending on the position of the building. Additional openings on the front sides of the building and the offsets allow for additional viewing directions.

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